pp108 : Case Model Properties Interface

Case Model Properties Interface

This topic describes the various fields on the pane.

The Properties - Case Model pane helps in viewing and setting the properties of a Case model.

Table 1. Fields on the Properties - Case Model Pane



Tab Field Description
General Name Name of the current Case model. This is a mandatory field.
Description Provide a description for the Case model.
Root State Name All the follow-up activities defined in the model that are not associated to any specific user-defined state are considered to be part of this state. This is an editable field and you can modify the default name provided. The state name provided here can be selected by the Inbox users to list the follow-up activities which are not associated to any specific user-defined state.

When multiple case models are executed, the case instances corresponding to these case models are created. The priority displays the various levels of the case model, which assumes importance in the run-time. Using the Priority list, you can select the priority level High, Medium, or Low and provide the priority of the execution.

Note: If the priority is not set, the case instances will be executed in FIFO (First-In, First-Out) order. During the execution, the case model with High priority will take precedence over the case models with lower priority levels.

Case Overview Form A Case overview form is a User Interface (UI) that allows you to view the data related to a case. In the UI, the information related to the case data is displayed in the case Inbox and Case Instance Monitoring (CIM).
When a Case overview form is configured for any case model, all the users working on that case model will be able to access the case overview form. Select the required overview form to attach to the case model.
Also, you can add a New User Interface or External User Interface or add an existing one from the Select a Case Overview Form window. In the case overview form, use the SOAP API GetCaseData to access the data associated to a case instance and populate the controls in the Case overview form.
Applicability Service

Often, the case workers or knowledge workers need to take decisions to select the most applicable sub-set from the next set of follow-up activities, based on the context and data available for a case. In such a scenario, it becomes necessary for a case worker to consider all the possible options and exceptions available for executing a task.

The Applicability Service feature helps a case worker to accomplish tasks easily, while considering all the possible options and exceptions by implementing the required business logic on a Web service. When the Applicability Service feature is selected for the state, it becomes applicable for all the activities within the state. When the activities within the state are executed, based on the work option or exception, Applicability Service is triggered. For more information on configuration and related usage, see Using the Applicability Service in a Case Model .

  • Select Business Process or Web Service from the Applicability Service list.
  • Click to browse and select the related business process or Web service.  
    • If Business Process is selected, only the process models that implement the contract shared are displayed. Implementation of such business processes are based on Contract First Development option with the WSDL that is shared. 
    • If Web Service is selected, only the services that implement the WSDL are considered. 
Data Use XML Schema Fragment A data model gives the structure of the information in the case model. Select the required XML schema fragment for the case to add a data model to the case model. By using the CreateCase SOAP API, you can trigger the Case model and pass the instance of the data model.
Case Identifiers

A Case identifier is a business attribute that identifies or searches for a case in the Inbox. For example, the Customer ID or Order ID can be used as the business attributes by the case administrator to search for the case.
The case data acts as the source for configuring the case identifiers. Click to add a case identifier and provide the following details:

  • Name - Name of the case identifier.
  • Type - Select the type of case identifier: String, Numeric, or Date.

    Case Identifier Type



    Supports the storage of string values.


    Supports the storage of integer values only.


    Supports the storage of date in the yyyy-mm-ddThh:mn:ss.ms format; for example: 2012-10-15T05:01:42.951

  • XPath - Provide the XPath expression of the case identifier.
Duration Business Calendar Business Calendar allows you to associate the timely business activities with the case model. Select the required Business Calendar from the available list and attach to the case model. If you want to continue with the default calendar, that is 24*7, do not provide any changes.
Duration Type
Escalate to

Escalate to allows you to send notifications to the concerned member working on the case so as to ensure that the case will be completed at the earliest possible time. Select the member to whom you wish to send the notification from the list mentioned below.

  • Manager of the user
  • User defined by case variable
  • User who created the case

Note: The escalation feature in the case model notifies the receiver. It will not support the re-assignment of a task.


To allocate an appropriate case worker to a case, select a case worker.

Note: This option is enabled only if the User defined by case variable check box is selected in the Escalate to list.

Case Variables
Case Variables

You can use a case variable as a parameter in a case model. It has a type and a default value. A case model can have zero or more variables and collectively define exactly the parts of the model that can be changed. You can create your own case variables on any case model by using the Case Variables tab on the case model properties page. Case variables help case workers to regulate case execution behavior at runtime, by delaying the specification of certain case element values, till the instance is actually executed. A lot of decisions are made during design time by the case worker, for example; activities, norm times, business calendars and so on. However, some properties have to be decided by the case worker at runtime. To facilitate this process, custom case variables can be defined with default values by the case designer. They can be set by the case worker only while creating a case or updating a case variable Web services at runtime of the Business Process Model.
Click to add a case variable and provide the following details:

  • Name - Provide a name for the case variable.
  • Type - Define the case variable type as any one of the following:
    • Team - Select Team when the team which must perform the human task can change during the course of implementation or at runtime.
    • User - Select User when the user who must perform the human task can change during the course of implementation or at runtime.
    • Role - Select Role when the user having a specific role to perform the human task can change during the course of implementation or at runtime.
    • Worklist - Select Worklist when the members of a worklist who must perform the human task can change during the course of implementation or at runtime.
    • Distribution Algorithm - Distribution Algorithm or Scheduling algorithm suggests the handling of requests within a queue.
      By default, the Round Robin algorithm is implemented. It ensures that case workers complete a task one after another in a sequential manner. It also assigns time slices to each process in equal portions and in circular order, handling all the processes without priority. So, if a task is not complete in one time slice, it will be executed in the next cycle. However, you can implement your own scheduling algorithm too.
    • Duration - Duration case variable is used at the activity level to define its own execution time. There can be different case variables to define duration for different activities. Provide the duration for the completion of all the activities within the case model in the Set Duration dialog box.
    • String - Any value that can hold alphanumeric content. It holds the value that is used to instantiate the sub-process models.
        • Default Value - Click to select a default value. Based on the selection of Type, the corresponding default dialog box appears. Select the required value as described below:

          Case Variable Type



          Select a team from the Select a Team dialog box.


          Select a user from the Select a User dialog box. You can also use Find a User option to quickly find a user.


          Select a role from the Select a Role dialog box.

          Distribution Algorithm

          Select the required algorithm from the Select a Dispatch Algorithm dialog box.


          Provide the duration in Set Duration in days, hours, and minutes as required.

          String Provide the required value from the look up provided.
  • Description - Provide a description for the case variable.
    This provides more flexibility because the case worker can now make last minute changes, when creating a specific case, by overriding the default case properties. For example, a case worker can decide that staff-B must work on a certain activity instead of staff-A.
    Note: This tab appears at the case model view but not for activity view.
Work Assignment Assignee Type

Based on your business requirements, you may have a single case worker, multiple case workers, or teams working on the case. Therefore, it is important to select an assignee type to clearly indicate who must work on the current case. Click to add the type of assignment and to add users or teams so that you may assign them the activities of the case as follows:

  • Team - The users in the specified team who must work on this case or activity.
  • Role - The set of users with this role who must work on this case or activity.
  • Worklist - The list of tasks on which the teams are working.
  • User - The specific user. When you select this value, you must create or select a case variable that contains the value of a role, team, or user that specifies the users.
Work Distribution  

Work distribution is a custom algorithm that you must define to distribute the work among the case workers. Select one of the following work distribution algorithm:

  • Use System Default - The default settings of the system decides the work distribution.
  • Static (decide when creating the case) > Algorithm - Select the algorithm to be used to distribute work amongst the case workers.
  • Dynamic (decide when creating the case) > Case variable to be used - Select the case variable to be used to distribute work amongst case workers.
Events Event Name Name of the event that you have created. At times, you may want to define your own event types that are specific for the case model. After you create the event types, you can use them at several places. You can use an event to describe what can happen when certain situations like receiving a document, creation of a case, or completion of an activity occur. On an activity, you can also specify the event it can raise. You can use an event to trigger a transition between states.
For example, Event Name: OrderApproval.
Click to add an event.
Description A meaningful description of the event created.
Note: The access control list (ACL) or permissions (Read, Write, Delete) defined in the case model property sheet are applicable to all the tasks in the respective case model.

Attachment Location

It is optional, this is useful if case model designers want to store the attachments in the custom specified locations. Case designer can chose any one option mentioned below.

  • Default : This is selected by default and the attachments are stored in the default location.
  • Custom : Select this option to specify the custom location and chose the location type from the select box.
    - Static : Specify the static location.
    - Dynamic : Specify the path from the case message map.(case instance properties or case data).

Note: By default all the attachments are uploaded to a standard location on document store if the custom location is not specified. This default location evaluates as per the following pattern mentioned below.
casemanagement/<Case Model Name>/<Case Instance Id>/<AttachmentDefinitionName>

Example : casemanagement/LoanApplication/5337b252-d28c-4607-a0df-59654c5ebf4d/LoanDocument

Label Name Select the check box to enable the case worker to view the attachment in the Inbox, modify the contents in the attachment, add another attachment, or delete the attachment.
Supported Document Types Case models use applicable or supported case documents. The Supported Document Types displays a list of all the existing document types that new attachment definition supports. Click to select a document from the list that appears in the Select a Mime Type window.
Note: If a required document type is not available in the list, select Any file type.
Read Select the check box to enable the case worker to download the attached document in the Inbox.
Write Select the check box to enable the case worker to download the attachment, modify it, or add a new attachment to the task in the Inbox.
Delete Select the check box to enable the case worker to view the attachment in the Inbox, modify the contents in the attachment, add another attachment, or delete the attachment.
Annotation Annotation Provide any additional notes or comments on the case model.



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Case Management

Related tasks

Creating a Case Model
Designing a Case Model
Setting the Properties of a Case Model
Executing a Case Model

Related information

Modeling Cases